Our Logo

PGMHNetwork logo revised Gray CMYK.jpg

Palestine-Global Mental Health Network wishes to express its gratitude and sincere appreciation to the Palestinian-Canadian Architect and designer, Ms. Randa Tukan, for helping the Network develop and produce its logo.

At the center of the logo is an olive tree with protruding roots, which is meant to symbolize the Palestinians’ Sumud (our steadfast perseverance)-- planted in the land and resolved to resist, prosper and flourish. The tree has 67 leaves and 48 olives, which are meant to refer to the years 1967 and 1948, both significant in Palestinian history. The colors of the tree, its leaves and olives are those of the Palestinian flag. A barbwire is placed in front of the tree and is meant to refer to the oppression and colonization of the Palestinian nation. However, in spite of the barbwire, the tree stands tall, towering over the wire and demonstrating our faith that justice and truth will always prevail.