Journal Articles

A scholarly journal focusing on broad aspects of the Palestinian situation, published by the Institute for Palestine Studies:

The Journal of Palestine Studies

Health in Palestine comprehensively discussed in the British medical journalLancet

Mental health needs and services in Palestine summarized

Jabr,S., Morse, M., El Sarraj,W., Awidi, B. (2013). Mental health in Palestine: Country Report. Arab Journal of Psychiatry, 24 (2), 174-178.

Three key researchers in the field of mental health and well-being in Palestine:

The late Eyad El Sarraj and his group at the Gaza Community Mental Health Programme articles:

“Resiliency factors predicting psychological adjustment after political violence among Palestinian Children”

Rita Giacaman and her group at the University of Birzeit. A list of her articles appear here and here

Brian Barber and his colleagues, “Mental Suffering in Protracted Political Conflict: Feeling Broken or Destroyed” and The Situation in Gaza: an interview with Brian Barber

The psychiatrist Samah Jabr, based in East Jerusalem, has co-authored with USA-Palestine Mental Health Steering Committee member Elizabeth Berger a number of professional publications. Some of these are:

“The survival and well-being of the Palestinian people under occupation” in H. Tilouine & R. Estes (Eds.) The State of Social Progress in Islamic Societies: Social, Economic, Political, and Ideological Challenges (Springer, 2016)

“The trauma of humiliation in the occupied Palestinian territory,”  (2017).  Read it at this link beginning on page 154 in The Arab Journal of Psychiatry.

Samah Jabr and Elizabeth Berger with additional co-authors Michael Morse and Bushra Awidi, “Mental health care in Palestine: Barriers to excellence in The Washington Psychiatrist (2014, Spring)

In 2016, an issue of a scholarly journal of particular interest to mental health workers, the Journal of Psychoanalysis, Culture, and Societywas devoted to the theme of Israel/Palestine. The publisher of the Journal, Palgrave, has kindly permitted us to publish the following “read only” links to the articles in this special issue:

Stephen Frosh, the editor of this issue, “Introduction to special issue on ‘Acknowledgment and accountability in the Israel-Palestinian conflict”

Jessica Benjamin, “Non-violence as respect for all suffering: thoughts inspired by Eyad El Sarraj

Samah Jabr and Elizabeth Berger, “An occupied state of mind: clinical transference and countertransference across the Israeli/Palestinian divide

Fakhry Davids, “Psychoanalysis and Palestine-Israel: A personal angle

Nancy Caro Hollander, “Trauma as identity: Accountability in the ‘intractable conflict’”

Lara Sheehi and Stephen Sheehi, “Enactments of otherness and searching for a third space in the Palestine-Israel Matrix

Maya Mukamel, “Assessing the effects of reported torture in the Israeli-Palestinian context: A struggle for psycho-political thirdness

From the prolific activist Ruchama Marton, “Human rights violations during Israel’s attack on the Gaza Strip: 27 December 2008 to 19 January 2009” in Global Public Health

Two articles from the psychoanalyst Martin Kemp, Steering Committee member of the UK-Palestine Mental Health Network:

(2011). Dehumanization, guilt and large group dynamics with reference to the west, Israel and the PalestiniansBritish Journal of Psychotherapy. 27. 383-405

(2015). Collusion as a defense against guilt: Further notes on the West’s relationship with Israel and the PalestiniansInternational Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies. 12. 192-222

A sampling of additional journal articles on mental health in Palestine:

Abdel Hamid Afana, “A Model for Community Care in Gaza: Conclusions drawn form a community-based approach to mental Health Care in Gaza,” Palestine-Israel Journal, 2003; Vol 10, No.4.

Lena Maeri, Sumud: A Palestinian Philosophy of Confrontation in Colonial Prisons. In South Atlantic Quarterly, Summer 2014.

Amer Shehadeh, Gerrit Loots, Johan Vanderfaeillie and Ilse Derluyn, “The Impact of Men’s Detention on the Psychological Wellbeing of Palestinian Women,” Mental Health in Family Medicine, 2016; 12:200-204.

Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian, “Childhood: A Universalist Perspective for How Israel is using Child Arrest and Detention to Further its Colonial Settler Project,” International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, 2015; 12-3: 223-244.